Planning great vacations goes beyond checking Trip Adviser’s top 10 must-see sites. To maximize precious hours and guarantee you are using them for experiences that accommodate your style, a lot more research and planning are required. Crafting a flawless trip includes  digesting all of the different experiences others have had and filtering them to create your very own. It is about absorbing different travel books, reading countless reviews, interacting in forums for advice, networking with bloggers, checking company websites and making phone calls to confirm hours and availability. 

But most importantly… AVOIDING TOURIST TRAPS.
International Festival of the Sahara in Douz, Tunisia

Helping travelers avoid tourist traps is Golden Hour’s #1 priority. Without proper planning, the likelihood of ending up in a tourist trap experience is very high. It is not always easy to escape them, especially when it comes to restaurants and excursions. Distinguishing tourist traps from truly unique experiences only comes with personal experience and something Golden Hour’s travel consultants have mastered. 

What can Golden Hour

We will deep dive into the WORLD WIDE WEB to filter out experiences catered to your interests and needs.

Hierve el Agua, Oaxaca, Mexico

Pass on the burden of travel research to us and we will curate your trip beyond the must-see sites, tailoring it to your interests and favorite activities, the best restaurant recommendations that accommodate your dietary preferences and everything else you seek to experience.


Send us an email and we can
start working together.

We can’t wait to hear from you!

What is a
tourist trap?

A place that caters to tourist masses, characterized by its high prices for often low-quality goods and services.*

*A tourist trap is not equal to a popular tourist destination. The term strictly focuses on the quality of the experience. For example; the Eiffel Tower is not a tourist trap, but the corner bakery facing the Tower with a sign that says “best croissants in Paris” for 5 euros each is most likely one.


Is your trip quickly approaching yet you have some lingering doubts about how to navigate this new country? Send us an email with your questions, worries and concerns, and the topics you wish to know more about. We will do the research and share our expertise with you during a 1hr video consultation.